Softcore Erotic Movies (Vintage | Retro | Classic)
Year: 1973
Country: USA
Genre: Erotic
Quality: DVDRip
Language: Original
Director: Carl Monson
Starring: John Kirkpatric, Frank Bannon, Rosie Stone, Linda York, Brandy Lyman, Con Covert, Tony Scarponi, John Keith, Ann Ali, Terry Woolman, Irving Parham, Mike Doty, Eric Norden, Phil Kaufman, Brink Brydon, Linda Vale, Morgan Tyler, Lauralie Hart, Miki Danwick, Flora Weisel, Bobby Angelle, Michael Lee, Eddy Doty, Susan Norden, Dan Foley, Wes Young, Colleen Brennan, Sandy Carey, Angela Carnon, Sandy Dempsey, Norman Fields, Christopher Geoffries, Mady Maguire, John Tull
Description: Produced by the legendary exploitation filmmaker Harry P. Novak, A SCREAM IN THE STREETS is the story of 2 undercover cops who hate the “human scum” who are wreaking havoc in the underbelly …
Los Angeles. From a voyeur obessessed with lesbian housewives to a sex-crazed serial killer, these freaks are nearly impossible to stop. A campy world of starlets, sex, and carnage, A SCREAM IN THE STREETS is 1970’s exploitation at its most outrageous.
File Size: ~500MB
Resolution: 512×384
Duration: 91 min
Format: avi

File Size: ~500MB
Resolution: 512×384
Duration: 91 min
Format: avi
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