Softcore Erotic Movies (Vintage | Retro | Classic)

NL. De Honger’ heet die nieuwe film. Aanvankelijk was de naam ‘1963. Het verhaal speelt zich ook in 1963, meer bepaalde op een een woensdagnamiddag, op 29 mei om precies te zijn. Die namiddag gaan drie jongetjes spelen in de duinen. Hun spel wordt onderbroken wanneer ze een ontdekking doen die hun leven voorgoed zal veranderen. Een ontdekking ook die ze altijd geheim zullen houden.
EN. Wednesday afternoon, 29 May, 1963. Three boys are playing soldiers in the vast dunes of the Flemish coast. When one of them finds his sister making love deep in the dunes, their brother-sister relationship is put severely to the test.
Director: Benoit de Clerck.
Cast: Vincent Collin, Dorien De Clippel, Griet De Wolf, Carlos Dewulf, Mathias Van Mieghem, Daan Roofthooft, Julian-Benjamin Lens.
Belgium, 2013.
Language: Dutch.

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Softcore Erotic Movies (Vintage | Retro | Classic)

Eine Art Selbsthilfegruppe trifft sich jeden Donnerstag in der Sauna von Jost und Nadine (Charly Hübner und Christiane Paul). Da geben der Langzeitarbeitslose Toni (Andreas Schmidt), die frisch vom Himmel ins Arbeitsamt gefallene Stewardess Dani (Esther Zimmering) und Monika (Laura Tonke), die promovierte Sozialhilfeempfängerin, einander Einkaufstipps. Stammgast Norbert (Edgar Selge) darf immerhin noch für seine Frau Reden schreiben, und nur Karin (Steffi Kühnert) glaubt, dem Kapitalismus in seiner vollen Pracht gewachsen zu sein.
Mit lakonischem Humor und einer gesunden Prise Sex nähert sich der in Berlin ansässige irische Filmregisseur Eoin Moore (Pigs will fly) dem vom Kino eher selten behandelten Thema Arbeitslosigkeit.
Director: Eoin Moore.
Cast: Charly Hübner, Steffi Kühnert, Christiane Paul, Andreas Schmidt, Edgar Selge, Laura Tonke, Esther Zimmering, Franziska Walser, Kathleen Gallego Zapata, Thorsten Merten.
Germany, 2005.
Language: German.
1280×720 HD

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Softcore Erotic Movies (Vintage | Retro | Classic)

A film about women and diamonds which determine the fate of the men who desire them. A group of airport porters are planning on stealing 2 sacks of rough diamonds. The diamonds arrive on schedule on commercial flights to the airport. Being that the porters are the first to come in contact with the sacks from the moment they land in the airport, it goes without saying that they will be the first to be interrogated by the police. In order to escape the clutches of the police Bacho, the ring leader, must choose from among the porters two suckers who won’t have a choice but to take the wrap and do time in jail. The gang of airport porters reside in a neighborhood adjacent to the airport. The film will take us to their neighborhood in search of these two porters. There in the midst of the love affairs, jealousies, sex and betrayals, Bacho takes advantage of the weaknesses of 2 porters: Punchika – the compulsive gambler, and Otary (Bacho’s brother-in-law) – a wife beater, and forces them to…
Director: Dover Koshashvili.
Cast: Yuval Segal, Rami Heuberger, Moni Moshonov, Ian Fisher, Becky Griffin, Irit Nathan Benedek, Lior Ashkenazi, Ania Bukstein, Orit Cher, Ian Fisher, Dover Koshashvili, Mickey Leon.
Israel, France, 2003.
Language: Hebrew.
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Softcore Erotic Movies (Vintage | Retro | Classic)

Welcome to Marbella, the original Costa del Sol paradise for the rich and famous and for those wishing they were. It’s where the crazy worlds of dreamers, nudists, killers and anti goat hurlers collide to spectacular effect and where trusting your `natural` instincts can have the most amazing results!
Director: Piers Ashworth.
Cast: Rik Mayall, Tom Bell, Mike Reid, Geoff Bell, Craig Kelly, Charlotte Lucas, Lara Belmont, Roland Manookian.
Spain, UK, 2003.
Language: English.

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Softcore Erotic Movies (Vintage | Retro | Classic)

 1. Financed outside the political funding system now controlling the Australian film industry, Maslin Beach demonstrates an interesting filmmaking strategy – no costumes, no sets, one location and action contained within real time. The film features a huge cast of over forty performers, ranging from noted actors such as Edmund Pegge, Gary Waddell, Nick Gill, Eliza Lovell and Noel Purdon, to cameo performances by table top dancers, sex workers and opera singers – all performing naked for this seaside extravaganza. A day on a beach like no other in the world… Enjoy!
2. Maslin Beach is a real nudist/naturist beach south of Adelaide, on the Fleurieu Peninsula, in South Australia. It is also the name of an Australian film that used the beach as a location.
Maslin Beach is labelled a romantic comedy. This could be slightly misleading, as it is not a ‘hilarious’ film, nor is it really romantic in the traditional sense, but it does have light-hearted moments. Much as life itself, there are also moments of sadness too. It is also entirely shot at the nudist beach mentioned above, and nudity runs throughout the length of film. The viewer quickly learns to accept this as normal, and concentrate on the plot, not the copious amount of flesh.
Simon and Marcie (Michael Allen and Eliza Lovell) arrive by car at a beach-side car park. They take their belongings to the beach, and while they are walking, a voice-over from Simon talks about his confusion about what real love is. The rest of the film is an exploration of this, framed by one complete day at the beach. The basic story is of what happens to Simon’s love life, but there are also many other characters highlighted in several separate vignettes.
Director: Wayne Groom.
Cast: Michael Allen, Eliza Lovell, Leylah Love, Simon Bond, Bonnie-Jaye Lawrence, Zara Collins, Jennifer Ross, Joshua Missen, Katrina Missen, Kate Jenkin, Albert Colbert, Dinesh Sanders, Andy McPhee.
Australia, 1997.
Language: English.

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Softcore Erotic Movies (Vintage | Retro | Classic)

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Softcore Erotic Movies (Vintage | Retro | Classic)

Teenage Caveman is a 2002 science fiction-horror film directed by controversial filmmaker Larry Clark. It was made as part of a series of low-budget made-for-television movies loosely inspired by B movies that Samuel Z. Arkoff had produced for AIP.
In a post-apocalyptic future mankind is lives in a prehistoric manner. After killing his father for sexually assaulting his girlfriend, the son of a tribal leader runs away with a group of his teenage friends. They are taken in by Neil and Judith who introduce them to the vices outlawed by their tribes namely sex and drugs.Neil and Judith, however, are genetically altered indestructible mutants who have their own plans for the future of the human race.
Director: Larry Clark.
Cast: Andrew Keegan, Tara Subkoff, Richard Hillman, Tiffany Limos, Stephen Jasso, Crystal Celeste Grant, Shan Elliot, Hayley Keenan, Paul Hipp, David Stifel, David Monzingo.
USA, 2002.
Language: English, Russian.

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Softcore Erotic Movies (Vintage | Retro | Classic)

It’s Angeliki’s 11th birthday celebration, and a well-organised party is held in her honour. Everything is in order, and all the ingredients of a usual birthday party are there. A nice fest, a big cake, music, dance, a caring grandfather’s embrace… a truly loving family environment. But is it real, or is this an elaborate facade? As we witness a devastating act of despair, we understand that something lies underneath. The story advances, and we slowly get lured into a web of hideous secrets, while gradually getting ourselves dragged into a downward spiral of lies and deceptive appearances. When we unwillingly unravel the mysteries kept behind closed doors, in reality, we plunge into the depths of the human soul and the unfathomable secrets within.
Director: Alexandros Avranas.
Cast: Themis Panou, Reni Pittaki, Eleni Roussinou, Sissy Toumasi, Kalliopi Zontanou, Constantinos Athanasiades, Giorgos Gerontidakis-Sempetadelis, Maria Skoula, Chloe Bolota, Maria Kallimani, Anna Koutsaftiki, Stefanos Kosmidis.
Greece, 2013.
Language: Greek.

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Softcore Erotic Movies (Vintage | Retro | Classic)

DE. Für den 17-jährigen Jakob steht fest, dass seine Eltern Sabine und Helmut (Martin Brambach) hochnotpeinlich sind. Sie leiten mitten in der brandenburgischen Provinz ein Nudistendorf. Während Jakob sich ganz sicher ist, dass es nichts peinlicheres gibt, finden seine Eltern, dass Nacktsein das Natürlichste der Welt ist. Die ganze Situation erlebt eine skurrile Wende, als ausgerechnet ein Textilunternehmer das Grundstück des FKK-Vereins aufkauft…
EN. A nudist site in eastern Germany is sold to Dieter Lohe, a conservative textile manufacturer from Bavaria. He visits his new property with his daughter Natalie, and plans to use the property as a hunting ground. For fear of losing their tenancy agreement, the members of the association adjust to Lohe’s presence by walking around dressed. Jakob Steiner, the son of the club’s leader, doesn’t accept the nudist family tradition and because of this argues with his father. Jacob becomes close friends with Lohe’s daughter. Lohe eventually gets wise to the clothed nudists, and after a few complications all of the parties involved come to an arrangement.
Director: Hansjörg Thurn.

Cast: Martin Brambach, Christoph M. Ohrt, Jockel Tschiersch, Constantin von Jascheroff, Gotthard Lange, Ben Unterkofler, Sarah Kim Gries, Heiko Pinkowski, Diane Siemons-Willems, Joseph Konrad Bundschuh, Christina Athenstädt.
Germany, 2009.

Language: German.

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Softcore Erotic Movies (Vintage | Retro | Classic)

Maria suffers from Alzheimer’s disease. Luis, Maria’s fifteen-year-old grandson, doesn’t say very much either; he shuts himself off in his own silent world to escape his parent’s marital crisis, spending time instead picking up stray cats and dogs off the street. His father, Miguel, wants to put a stop to this eccentric behavior, but his protective mother Alice indulges him. Nevertheless, the animals begin to appear at home in increasing numbers, making life complicated for the family in their flat.
Director: Agusti Vila.
Cast: Emma Suárez, Eduard Fernández, Martina García, Alex Brendemühl, Fermi Reixach, Alex Brendemuhl, Sonia Casademont, Alex Batllori, Tomàs Morató.
Spain, 2010.
 Language: Spanish.

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