Softcore Erotic Movies (Vintage | Retro | Classic)

Название: Моя мать – шлюха
Оригинальное название: Mother is a Whore / 엄마는 창녀다
Год выхода: 2011
Жанры: Драма, Эротика
Продолжительность: 01;36;29
Страны: Южная Корея
Языки: 1. Русский | 2. Корейский
Перевод: Любительский одноголосый [den904]
Режиссеры: Ли Санг-Ву / Sang-woo Lee
В ролях: Lee Sang-Woo, Lee Yong-Nyeo, Kwon Bum-Taek, Yoo Ae-Kyung

Сан-ву, вич-инфецированный 38-летний мужчина, который живет в небольшом сарае со своей умственно отсталой матерью. Его матери 60 лет, но она работает проституткой, чтобы поддержать себя и своего сына. А Сан-ву работает ее сутенером, расклеивая объявления и принимая звонки от клиентуры, в число которых входят инвалиды, солдаты, пожилые мужчины. Вряд Ли Сан-ву циник, поскольку вынужденная деятельность его матери, с которой у него сильная эмоциональная связь, озлобляет его. Обида и гнев на отца, который бросил его и мать и женился на религиозной фанатичке, дестабилизируют его душевное равновесие. А тут еще и сводная сестра-алкоголичка, преследующая его со своими сестринскими чувствами. Найдет ли Сан-Ву выход из этой тяжелой ситуации?

Sang-Woo is a HIV positive 38-year-old man who lives in a small shed with his mother. His mother at the age of 60 began working as a prostitute to support herself and her son out of their small shed. Meanwhile, Sang-Woo works as her pimp – collecting payment and arranging appointments with his cellphone. Their clients include a paraplegic man and soldiers on holiday.
Living through their difficult situation, Sang-Woo still carries a strong bond with his mother. Sang-Woo also harbors intense anger within. His father abandoned them and then remarried into a seemingly normal family. But actually, his father married a woman who is a religious fanatic and their son always locks himself away in his room. Sang-Woo often meets their daughter (his step-sister) for drinks outside of a Buddhist temple. Can Sang-Woo ever find a way out for himself and his mother?

Continue reading “Моя мать – шлюха / Mother is a Whore / 엄마는 창녀다 (2011)”

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Softcore Erotic Movies (Vintage | Retro | Classic)

Titles: Engel Mit Schmutzigen Fluegeln / Angels With Dirty Wings
Year: 2009
Categories: Explicit Erotic Drama
Runtime: 01;25;41
Countries: Germany
Languages: German
Directors: Roland Reber
Cast: Antje Monning, Marina Anna Eich, Mira Gittner

Three women – no moral. Morality is the excuse for those who don’t dare to live their truth.Michaela, Gabriela and Lucy are angels of vice. On their motorbikes they ride through the countryside to live their pleasure. They could see a lot, but only see themselves. They call themselves angels but they are angels with dirty wings. To be a full member in the exile paradise of angels, Lucy has to prove herself and stand the tests. The new film of Roland Reber and Mira Gittner is an anthem of immorality. A holy song of egoism and a painful study about our time and a generation who rent their feelings.

Continue reading “Engel Mit Schmutzigen Fluegeln / Angels With Dirty Wings / Ангелы с грязными крыльями (2009)”

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Softcore Erotic Movies (Vintage | Retro | Classic)

Название: Фиона
Оригинальное название: Fiona
Год выхода: 1998
Жанры: Эротика, Драма
Продолжительность: 01;21;31
Страны: США
Языки: Английский
Режиссеры: Амос Коллек / Amos Kollek
В ролях: Anna Levine, Felicia Maguire, Alyssa Mulhern

История Фионы и ее матери рассказана в восьми главах. От Фионы отказались родители в шестимесячном возрасте, она воспитывалась в детских домах, терпела унижения, и достигнув подросткового возраста, начала торговать собой на улицах Нью-Йорка. Мы увидим, как она принимает героин, влюбляется в других женщин, отбивается от притязаний мужчин, оказывается впутана в убийство, прячется в логове наркоманов и решает покинуть город…

The story of Fiona and her mother told in eight chapters. Fiona is abandoned at six months of age, raised in foster and adoptive homes, abused, and, still a teen, hustles on the streets of New York. We watch her use heroine, fall in love with other women, be pursued by men, engage in murderous violence, hide out in a crack house, and decide to leave the city. We see her mother, also a streetwalker and drug user, occasionally talk about her lost daughter. Fiona has a necklace she was clutching when a foundling. Will mother and daughter meet? Is there a silver lining?

Continue reading “Фиона / Fiona (1998)”

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Softcore Erotic Movies (Vintage | Retro | Classic)

Titles: yeo-chin eom-ma 3 / My Girlfriend’s Mother 3
Year: 2018
Categories: Explicit Erotic Romance Drama
Runtime: 01;09;44
Countries: South Korea
Languages: Korean
Directors: Jong Min Kim
Cast: Yoon Jae, Wan Jin

A couple of molds and molds that I met for a month. Yun Kyung graduated from the castle and asked to marry. One morning I promised to meet early and go home. But Yoon Kyung tells his friend that he has a phone and a man with a good spec. That night, Yun Kyung is out of the house and waits in front of the house in the morning. Sejin (mother of love) gives milk to the mold waiting at home. From the morning, molds that drink milk are stabbed, and molds go to the bathroom. Sejin, who is in the shower, opens the bathroom door and faces the naked body of Sejin.

Continue reading “여친 엄마 3 / yeo-chin eom-ma 3 / My Girlfriend’s Mother 3 / Мама моей подруги 3 (2018)”

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Softcore Erotic Movies (Vintage | Retro | Classic)

Continue reading “Captain Marvel XXX: An Axel Braun Parody (2019)”

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Softcore Erotic Movies (Vintage | Retro | Classic)

Continue reading “Шаги на чердаке / Edogawa Ranpo ryoki-kan: Yaneura no sanposha / The Watcher in the Attic (1976)”

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Softcore Erotic Movies (Vintage | Retro | Classic)

Continue reading “엄딸 / eom-ttal / Mother’s Daughter / Мамина дочка (2016) [UNCUT]”