Directed by: Alfonso Cuarón

Stars:  Maribel Verdú, Gael García Bernal, Diego Luna

Language: Spanish | Subtitles:  English

Country:  Mexico |  Imdb Info  |  Tech Info | BRrip

Also known as:  And Your Mother Too, Y Tu Mamá También

Description: In Mexico, two teenage boys and an attractive older woman embark on a road trip and learn a thing or two about life, friendship, sex, and each other.

1.36gb | 106mins | 720×384 | avi

y-tu-mama-tambien-cap_ y-tu-mama-tambien

1.36gb | 106mins | 720×384 | avi

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exhibition amateur

Directed by:  Bigas Luna

Stars:  Francesca Neri, Óscar Ladoire and María Barranco

Language:  Spanish | Subtitles: English

Country:  Spain |  Imdb Info | dvdrip

Also known as:   Las edades de Lulú, As Idades de Lulú, Le età di Lulù, Les vies de Loulou, Lulu

Description: The story of a young woman’s descent into the kinky and dangerous sexual underground in Madrid.

1.49GB | 95mins | 704×388 | mkv

the_ages_of_lulu the_ages_of_lulu_1990

1.49GB | 95mins | 704×388 | mkv

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exhibition amateur

Directed by: Bernardo Bertolucci

Stars:  Michael Pitt, Louis Garrel, Eva Green

Language:  (2 tracks) English   +   (director’s commentary)

Subtitles: English

Country:  UK |  Imdb Info  | BRRip | Tech preview

Also known as:  The Dreamers – I sognatori, Innocents, Die Träumer

Description: A young American studying in Paris in 1968 strikes up a friendship with a French brother and sister. Set against the background of the ’68 Paris student riots.

1.86gb | 115mins | 1916×1074 | mp4

the_dreamers-cap the_dreamers

1.86gb | 115mins | 1916×1074 | mp4

exhibition amateur

Directed by: Paul Verhoeven

Stars:  Elizabeth Berkley, Kyle MacLachlan, Gina Gershon

Language: English |  Subtitles:  English | BRRip

Country:  USA | Imdb Info

Also known as:  Les Girls de Las Vegas, Plesa?ice, Slacipunce

Description: A young drifter, named Nomi, arrives in Las Vegas to become a dancer and soon sets about clawing and pushing her way to become the top of the Vegas showgirls.

2Gb | 110mins | 1280×528 | mp4 | English

showgirls-cap_ showgirls

2Gb | 110mins | 1280×528 | mp4 | English


exhibition amateur
exhibition amateur
exhibition amateur
exhibition amateur
exhibition amateur
exhibition amateur