Directed by: Eric Gibson

Stars: Erin Lanza, Stephen Michael Pace, Tracy Dali, Shari Eckert,

Language: English

Ty ripper:na | Country: Usa | Imdb Info | Tvrip

DescriptionRebecca, a copywriter for a large ad agency, with her beautiful but prim looks, lived for the fantasies her imagination created when working on an ad campaign. Sometimes her co-workers would never guess. Rebecca’s husband, Peter Stevens, who works at the same ad agency is renown for his infidelity and torried affairs with young models. Hungry for physical love and disenchanted with her marriage, Rebecca places a personal ad seeking a discreet lover.
A seemingly perfect lover appears in her life, making Rebecca abandon her inhibitions. Soon thereafter, her affair begins to consume her and the lives of the people around her. When she tries to end the passionate affair she started, her newfound lover won’t let go, threatening never to lose her.

700MB | 91:03mins | 512×384 | avi

kissing_a_dream kissing_a_dream_1996

700MB | 91:03mins | 512×384 | avi

exhibition amateur

Directed by: Kelley Cauthen

Stars: Beverly Lynne, Christopher John Kapanke, Daniel S. D’Ottavio

Language: English

Ty ripper:thehobo | Country: Usa | Imdb Info | Dvdrip

DescriptionA writer for a pop culture magazine needs to come up with a “killer” story about online dating to save her job. After catching her shackup partner in bed with a bimbo from the marina she is a candidate for a new relationship. Her office buddies convince her to post her own .jpg and get into the cyberdating game. So, will she find a fulfilling relationship via email or could her true love be right under her nose?

1.25GB | 92:23mins | 640×480 | avi

personals_ii_casualsex_com personals_ii_casualsex_com_2001

1.25GB | 92:23mins | 640×480 | avi

exhibition amateur
exhibition amateur
exhibition amateur
exhibition amateur
exhibition amateur
exhibition amateur
exhibition amateur
exhibition amateur

Directed by: Janine Gosselin

Stars: Aubrey Caldwell, Will Lupardus, Paul Howard

Language: English

Ty ripper:bluefloyd | Country: Usa | Imdb Info | Dvdrip

DescriptionIn L.A.’s Laurel Canyon, Karen has a dream that her sister Heather is in danger, but Heather seems safe enough, having just moved to a remote spur of the canyon to distance herself from her ex-husband. She’s a writer, and she’s soon met several men – Marcus, who helps her the day she moves in, neighbors Daniel and Marisa for whom she cooks dinner, and Michael her landlord who cleans her pool weekly. Daniel warns her away from Marcus even as he makes a play for her and invites her to participate in sexual escapades – some enjoyable, some not. Then it becomes clear that Karen’s anxiety dream was prescient. Who can Heather trust, and does she figure it out too late?

699MB | 91:09mins | 608×336 | avi

cold_heart_canyon cold_heart_canyon_2008

699MB | 91:09mins | 608×336 | avi