exhibition amateur
exhibition amateur
exhibition amateur
exhibition amateur
exhibition amateur
exhibition amateur
exhibition amateur
exhibition amateur

Directed by: Tai-sik Kim, Cheol-su Park

Stars: Seon-mok Jo, Ji-hye Ahn, Jin-joo Lee

Language: Korean | Subtitles: English [hard]

Country: South Korea | Imdb Info | Ar: 16:9 | Webrip

Also known as: Bul-eun ba-kang-seu geom-eun we-ding

DescriptionThese two short films, featuring the same actors, are a study of infidelity. “Red Vacance” tells the story of a married man having an affair with a younger woman. “Black Wedding” features a woman who asks an old lover to officiate her wedding.

763MB | 86:42mins | 1280×720 | mkv

red_vacance_black_wedding red_vacance_black_wedding_2011

763MB | 86:42mins | 1280×720 | mkv



exhibition amateur

Directed by: Rolf Peter Kahl

Stars: Miriam Mayet, Matthias Faust, Lana Cooper

Language: German | Subtitles: English (srt)

Country: Germany | Imdb Info | Ar: 4:3 | Brrip

Description A huge, run-down apartment in Berlin Mitte. Two women and a man, rehearsals for a movie about love and sex, that will never be shot. Acting and reality mingle into a dangerous melange. Berlin is the shelter, love is impossible, flesh is the law.

873MB | 75:19mins | 960×720 | mkv

bedways bedways_2010

873MB | 75:19mins | 960×720 | mkv

