Directed by: John Quinn

Stars: Angela Nicholas, Tracy Ryan, Amanda Prentice, Mia Zottoli, Katie Lohmann

Language: English

Country: Usa | Imdb Info | Tvrip

Description: Three whores stumble upon a suitcase that contains 100 thousand dollars and they decide to take the money and move to California to open a strip club. The money belongs to this gangster from Detroit

1.45gb | 88:28mins | 640×480 | avi

hot_club_california hot_club_california_1999

1.45gb | 88:28mins | 640×480 | avi

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exhibition amateur

Directed by: Mirek Bohusz

Stars: Mia Zottoli, Shauna O’Brien, Brandy Miller, Katie Lohmann

Language: English

Country: Usa | Imdb Info | Dvdrip

Description: Daisy (Mia Zottoli) is a naive actress when she comes to town with her boyfriend, after getting a job at a strip club and losing the boyfriend, she teams up with several other girls including Shauna O’Brien and Brandy Miller to open up an exclusive club for the more discerning male clients.

825mb | 86:09mins | 640×480 | avi

madame_hollywood madame_hollywood_2002

825mb | 86:09mins | 640×480 | avi

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