Softcore Erotic Movies (Vintage | Retro | Classic)

Directed by: Joe D’Amato

Stars: Jack Palance, Laura Gemser, Gabriele Tinti

Language: English + Commentary (2nd track)

Country: Italy | Imdb Info | Ar: 1.85:1 | Brrip

Also known as: Eva nera, Erotic Eva

DescriptionJudas, a wealthy playboy living in Hong Kong, is obsessed with snakes. His apartment is full of them, and he treats them as if they were his children. One night Judas’ brother persuades him to accompany him to see a dance act at a nightclub. Judas is astounded to see that the act consists of a beautiful Asian woman who dances nude while holding a python. He is immediately smitten, and winds up hiring her to take care of his snakes while he’s away on business. However, things start to take a sinister turn.

1.26GB | 97mins | 1280×690 | mkv


exhibition amateur

Softcore Erotic Movies (Vintage | Retro | Classic)

Directed by: Sam Norvell

Stars:John Holmes, Lesllie Bovee, Susan Hart

Language: English, French (2tracks)

Country: Usa | Imdb Info | Ar: 1.286 | Dvdrip

Description: A promiscuous heiress living in Hawaii persuades an insurance salesman to help her kill her husband to inherit all his money.

1.38GB | 82:31mins | 720×560 | mkv


exhibition amateur

Softcore Erotic Movies (Vintage | Retro | Classic)

Directed by: Ted W. Crestview

Stars: Suzi Lorraine, Erin Brown, Josh Robinson

Language: English + Commentary (2nd track)

Country: Usa | Imdb Info | Ar: 4:3 | Dvdrip [Extended Edition Euro Version]

Description: When Roxanna discovers her fascination with lesbian sexuality, she finds herself dragged deeper and deeper into it. This leaves her at odds with her boyfriend, with tragic results.

913MB | 79:13mins | 708×480 | mkv


exhibition amateur

Softcore Erotic Movies (Vintage | Retro | Classic)

Directed by: Akio Jissôji

Stars: Keiko Kaja, Kiriko Shimizu

Language: Japanese | Subtitles: English (embed)

Country: Japan | Imdb Info | Ar: 4:3 | Dvdrip

Also known as: Ijmete kudasai Henrietta

Description: An increasingly desperate middle-age widow gets employed in a shady S&M club in order to pay her expenses.

687MB | 51:26mins | 702×480 | mkv


exhibition amateur

Softcore Erotic Movies (Vintage | Retro | Classic)

Directed by: Akio Jissôji

Stars: Mari Ayukawa, Mariko Itsuki, Keiko Kaga

Language: Japanese | Subtitles: English (embed)

Country: Japan | Imdb Info | Ar: 4:3 | Dvdrip

Also known as: Ra varusu

Description: One night, a woman is allegedly raped by a man. Even though the man denies the charges, he ends up being prosecuted. After that, his lawyer tries to investigate wether his client is guilty or not.

863MB | 60:05mins | 706×480 | mkv


exhibition amateur

Softcore Erotic Movies (Vintage | Retro | Classic)

Directed by: Pedro Almodóvar

Stars: Liberto Rabal, Francesca Neri, Javier Bardem

Language: Spanish | Subtitles: English (embed)

Country: Spain | Imdb Info | Ar: 2.35:1 | Brrip

Also known as: Carne trémula

Description: After leaving jail, Víctor is still in love with Elena, but she’s married to the former cop -now basketball player- who became paralysed by a shot from Víctor’s gun.

1.58GB | 100:52mins | 1024×436 | mkv


exhibition amateur

Softcore Erotic Movies (Vintage | Retro | Classic)

Directed by: Mark Vadik

Stars: Charlie Beck, Brian Cade, Ron Fitzgerald

Language: English, Italian (2tracks)

Country: Usa | Imdb Info | Ar: 16:9 | (pal) Dvdrip

Also known as: Lilith

Description: The Thirsting is a derivation of the Lilith myths taken from biblical texts. It centers around the story of a nun, Sister Katherine, who fled to the church seeking comfort from memories of ritualistic abuse as a child in an effort to get her to voluntarily host the spirit of Lilith – Adam’s first wife and the mother of all demons. While supervising a senior college retreat, her students, Mary, Clareese, Michelle, Jackie and Tiffany, are given an assignment to research various pagan beliefs and compare them Catholic figures. Despite the efforts of three Arch-Angels (Senoi, Sansenoi and Sammangelof) to warn the girls not to toy with the occult, they do. When the girls accidentally summon Lilith, all hell breaks loose. Lilith attacks them in their dreams, in order to consume their souls, turning their secret desires and memories into deadly nightmares as she twists the girls dreamworld into deadly reality.

977MB | 85:45mins | 1024×576 | mkv


exhibition amateur

Softcore Erotic Movies (Vintage | Retro | Classic)

Directed by: Akio Jissôji

Stars: Nagisa Oshima

Language: Japanese | Subtitles: English (embed)

Country: Japan | Ar: 4:3 | Dvdrip

Description: A man hires a Private Investigator in order to find proof that his wife has been cheating on him. Soon, we learn that the man’s plan is to set the wife up, divorce her and remarry again in America with the daughter of his boss. The woman, being confronted with the suggestive evidence of her infidelity, has no other solution than to work on the sex industry for a while to pay for the Private Investigator’s silence.

871MB | 82:22mins | 708×480 | mkv


exhibition amateur

Softcore Erotic Movies (Vintage | Retro | Classic)

Directed by: Lee Daniels

Stars: Matthew McConaughey, Nicole Kidman, John Cusack

Language: English | Subtitles: English (embed)

Country: Usa | Imdb Info | Ar: 16:9 | Brrip

Description:  A reporter returns to his Florida home-town to investigate a case involving a death row inmate.

2.24GB | 106:35mins | 1280×720 | mkv


exhibition amateur

Softcore Erotic Movies (Vintage | Retro | Classic)

Directed by: Dennis Gansel

Stars: Diana Amft, Felicitas Woll, Karoline Herfurth

Language: German | Subtitles: English, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish (embed)

Country: Germany | Imdb Info | Ar: 1.896 | Dvdrip

Also known as: Mädchen Mädchen!

Description: Inken (Diana Amft) is an eighteen-year-old girl, frustrated for not having had an orgasm yet with her boyfriend. Her two best friends are Vicky (Felicitas Woll), who is in the same situation as Inken, not knowing the pleasure of an orgasm, and the still virgin Lena (Karoline Herfurth). Inken and Vicky try to find a man or woman able to give pleasure to them while Lena has her heart broken by her boyfriend. But they finally find mates and achieve their dreams.

1.50GB | 85:31mins | 1001×528 | mkv
