Softcore Erotic Movies (Vintage | Retro | Classic)

Directed by: Jim Wynorski

Stars: Christine Nguyen, Kylee Nash, Rebecca Love

Language: English

Country: Usa | Imdb Info | Ar: 16:9 | Webrip

Description: A doctor tries to prove an unknown creature materializes inside human bodies during sex–by romping with her charges until she can capture it.

1.36GB | 75:02mins | 704×396 | avi

 KeepshareSexually Bugged (2014).mp4

exhibition amateur

Softcore Erotic Movies (Vintage | Retro | Classic)

Directed by: John Quinn

Stars: Angela Nicholas, Tracy Ryan, Amanda Prentice, Mia Zottoli, Katie Lohmann

Language: English

Country: Usa | Imdb Info | Ar: 4:3 | Vhsrip (unrated)

Description: Three whores stumble upon a suitcase that contains 100 thousand dollars and they decide to take the money and move to California to open a strip club. The money belongs to this gangster from Detroit

 1.71GB | 105:49mins | 640×480 | mkv

 KeepshareHot Club California (1999).mp4

exhibition amateur

Softcore Erotic Movies (Vintage | Retro | Classic)

After Fall Winter (2011)


Directed by: Eric Schaeffer

Stars: Eric Schaeffer, Lizzie Brocheré, Marie Luneau

Language: English/French | Subtitles: English (embed)

Country: France | Imdb Info | Ar: 16:9 | Webrip

Description: WINTER is a dangerous, sexy, poignant and at times darkly funny story about two people who desperately want intimacy but have fashioned lives of reclusivity and emotional fracture which ultimately spells the doom of their great love.

1.32GB | 130:59mins | 1280×720 | mkv

 KeepshareAfter Fall Winter (2011).mp4

exhibition amateur

Softcore Erotic Movies (Vintage | Retro | Classic)

Directed by: Yasuharu Hasebe

Stars:  Yôko Azusa, Yutaka Hayashi and Tamaki Katsura

Language: Japanese | Subtitles: English, Japanese (embed)

Country: Japan | Imdb Info | Ar: 2.500 | Brrip

Also known as:  Bôkô Kirisaki Jakku, Kuba Rozpruwacz

Description:  Two restaurant employees begin a torturous and sexual killing spree after they accidentally kill a hitch hiker and find that murder and mutilation is their mutual aphrodisiac.

888MB | 71:58mins | 1280×512 | mkv

 KeepshareAssault Jack the Ripper (1976).mkv

exhibition amateur

Softcore Erotic Movies (Vintage | Retro | Classic)

Directed by: Jamie Scabbert

Stars:  Tracy Ryan, Bobby Johnston, Monique Parent

Language: English | Subtitles: Spanish (embed)

Country: Usa | Imdb Info | Ar: 4:3 | Dvdrip (unrated)

DescriptionThe Henderson’s just met their new neighbor and she is truly hot. What they do not know is how far their relationship with her will get.

1.38GB | 92:23mins | 704×480 | mkv


exhibition amateur

Softcore Erotic Movies (Vintage | Retro | Classic)

Directed by: Geoffrey Wright

Stars: Aden Young, Tara Morice, Nadine Garner

Language: English + Commentary (2nd track)

Country: Australia | Imdb Info | Ar: 2.35:1 | Dvdrip

Description: Psycho Joe, a petrol-head from Altona, Melbourne, secures employment at a local Supermarket. Here, he meets the over-sexed Dazey. Joe and Dazey form a friendship based on a mutual interest in old hot cars. Joe also forms a relationship with a Satanic fellow employee. The nihilism of these young characters, coupled with parental disputes, leads to various tragedies.

1.45GB | 113:45mins | 704×304 | mkv


exhibition amateur

Softcore Erotic Movies (Vintage | Retro | Classic)

Directed by: Jun Miyuki

Language: Japanese | Subtitles: English, Chinese (embed)

Country: Japan | amazon | Ar: 2.35:1 | Brrip

Description: Yoriko Jun turned Miyuki Fukashi’s sensual novel with the same name into a movie. An ordinary office lady and a boy meet on the Internet, they get into a master-slave relationship and are drowned in a world of pleasure.

767MB | 93:38mins | 1280×548 | mkv

 KeepshareHana Torikago (2013).mkv

exhibition amateur

Softcore Erotic Movies (Vintage | Retro | Classic)

Directed by: John W. Shadow

Stars: Patrizia Adiutori, Rik Battaglia, Shirley Corrigan

Language: English

Country: Italy | Imdb Info | Ar: 16:9 | Tvrip

Also known as: Canterbury n° 2 – Nuove storie d’amore del ‘300

Description: Father of English literature, the poet Geoffrey Chaucer, involved in storytelling a rainy night at an inn.

956MB | 81:37mins | 1024×576 | avi

 KeepshareTales of Canterbury (1973).mp4

exhibition amateur

Softcore Erotic Movies (Vintage | Retro | Classic)

Directed by: Emiliano Rocha Minter

Stars: Noé Hernández, María Evoli, Diego Gamaliel

Language: Spanish, German (2tracks) | Subtitles: English, German (embed)

Country: Mexico | Imdb Info | Ar: 1.922 | Brrip

Also known as: Tenemos la carne

Description: After wandering a ruined city for years in search of food and shelter, two siblings find their way into one of the last remaining buildings. Inside, they find a man who will make them a dangerous offer to survive the outside world.

979MB | 80:06mins | 1280×666 | mkv

 KeepshareWe Are the Flesh (2016).mkv

exhibition amateur

Softcore Erotic Movies (Vintage | Retro | Classic)

Directed by: Stephanie Rothman

Stars:  Victoria Vetri, Aimée Eccles, Solomon Sturges

Language: English

Country: Usa | Imdb Info | Ar: 16:9 | Brrip

Description: Six affluent young couples decide to live together for economy’s sake. They also decide to exchange mates now and then, just to remain up-to-date with contemporary mores. Soon, however, all participants realize that monogamy has its charms, too.

1.45GB | 90:15mins | 1280×720 | mkv

 KeepshareGroup Marriage (1973).mp4