Welcome to New York is a 2014 French-American drama film co-written and directed by Abel Ferrara. Inspired by the Dominique Strauss-Kahn affair when the prominent French politician was accused of sexual assaulting a hotel maid, the film was released on 17 May 2014 by VOD on the Internet as the film failed to secure a place on the Official Selection at the 2014 Cannes Film Festival (where it was given a special market screening),[2] nor was it picked up for theatrical distribution in France.[3]

According to Vincent Maraval, one of the producers, the film faced a boycott by the French media.


File Size: 1.65 GB

Duration: 1:49:30

Resolution: 1920×1080



Continue reading “Welcome to New York (2014)”

exhibition amateur

Welcome to New York is a 2014 French-American drama film co-written and directed by Abel Ferrara. Inspired by the Dominique Strauss-Kahn affair when the prominent French politician was accused of sexual assaulting a hotel maid, the film was released on 17 May 2014 by VOD on the Internet as the film failed to secure a place on the Official Selection at the 2014 Cannes Film Festival (where it was given a special market screening),[2] nor was it picked up for theatrical distribution in France.[3]

According to Vincent Maraval, one of the producers, the film faced a boycott by the French media.


File Size: 1.65 GB

Duration: 1:49:30

Resolution: 1920×1080



Continue reading “Welcome to New York (2014)”

exhibition amateur

Welcome to New York is a 2014 French-American drama film co-written and directed by Abel Ferrara. Inspired by the Dominique Strauss-Kahn affair when the prominent French politician was accused of sexual assaulting a hotel maid, the film was released on 17 May 2014 by VOD on the Internet as the film failed to secure a place on the Official Selection at the 2014 Cannes Film Festival (where it was given a special market screening),[2] nor was it picked up for theatrical distribution in France.[3]

According to Vincent Maraval, one of the producers, the film faced a boycott by the French media.


File Size: 1.65 GB

Duration: 1:49:30

Resolution: 1920×1080



Continue reading “Welcome to New York (2014)”

exhibition amateur

Welcome to New York is a 2014 French-American drama film co-written and directed by Abel Ferrara. Inspired by the Dominique Strauss-Kahn affair when the prominent French politician was accused of sexual assaulting a hotel maid, the film was released on 17 May 2014 by VOD on the Internet as the film failed to secure a place on the Official Selection at the 2014 Cannes Film Festival (where it was given a special market screening),[2] nor was it picked up for theatrical distribution in France.[3]

According to Vincent Maraval, one of the producers, the film faced a boycott by the French media.


File Size: 1.65 GB

Duration: 1:49:30

Resolution: 1920×1080



Continue reading “Welcome to New York (2014)”

exhibition amateur


File Size: 1.65 GB

Duration: 1:49:30

Resolution: 1920×1080




Continue reading “Welcome to New York (2014)”

exhibition amateur