Tinto Brass Presents Erotic Short Stories Part 1 (1999)

Softcore Erotic Movies (Vintage | Retro | Classic)

Directed by:  Francesco Dominedò, Stefano Soli

Stars: Anna Bielska, Tinto Brass and Loredana Cannata

Country: Italy | Imdb Info | Ar: 4:3 | Dvdrip

Story 1: Julia – One of the world’s greatest erotic photographers takes 3 beautiful models on a trip to Rome. Perverse, yet innocent, they find redemption in the Vatican City.

1.51GB | 60:58mins | 764×574 | mkv | French | Sub: English





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Story 2: A Magic Mirror tells the story of a narcissistic husband and his long-suffering young wife. They have moved into a new apartment. She is unpacking, and he his lounging in the bath, and requiring her to wait on him hand and foot. When his brother comes over to deliver a new wall mirror, he talks the brother into mounting it on the wall. The brother makes a pass at the young wife, as he has secretly wanted to do for years, and she tells him to return when hubby leaves. The girl is played by Loredana Cannata, who shows breasts and buns.

469MB | 24:07mins | 762×576 | mkv | Italian | Sub: English






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