Directed by: Ralph Brown

Stars: Daniela Mango, Francesco Madonna, Gaetano Cimarosa

Language: Italian | Subtitles: English [srt]

Ty ripper:na | Country: Italy |  Vhsrip

Also known as: Frida: Professional Manager

DescriptionFrida loves Veio, Veio loves Frida. She is a civil engineer employed in housing construction. He is a floriculturist and has a depth passion for flowers. Although their characters clash consultantly, their love seems to overcome all obstacles. Then the conflict becomes the order of the day and their love passes from burning desire to cold resentment. Veio plays an evil pratical joke, pretending he has a mistress, who is actually an inflatable doll. Frida is consumed by jealousy. Then on wave of torn love she is swept into a new world where she rediscovers the joy of life and love.

1.46GB | 110:25mins | 496×320 | avi

frida_professione_manager frida_professione_manager_2000

1.46GB | 110:25mins | 496×320 | avi


exhibition amateur

Directed by: Kristian Levring

Stars: JJ Feild, Janet McTeer, Brenda Fricker

Language: English

Country: Uk | Imdb Info | Dvdrip + [uncut nude scenes]

Description A period drama/thriller about a surveyor and his fiancée who arrive in a remote Malaysian trading post and encounter a closed-fisted ivory trader and her ill-meaning family

979MB | 108:15mins | 718×480 | mkv

the_intended the_intended_2002

979MB | 108:15mins | 718×480 | mkv


exhibition amateur

Directed by: Jesús Garay

Stars: Diana Gómez, Ariadna Cabrol, Laura Conejero

Language: Catalan | Subtitles: English [srt]

Country: Spain | Imdb Info | Dvdrip

Also known as: Eloïse

DescriptionA young woman is hospitalized and in a coma after a serious accident. Through flashbacks we learn of her feelings for another woman.

700MB | 91:22mins | 672×368 | avi

eloises_lover eloises_lover_2009

700MB | 91:22mins | 672×368 | avi

 KeepShare elo9ise.rar

exhibition amateur

Directed by: Jens Hoffmann

Stars: Otto Bauer, Audrey Hollander, Belladonna, Sasha Grey

Language: English/German  | Subtitles: English

Ty ripper:haunted | Country: Germany | Imdb Info | Dvdrip

Also known as: The Porn Diaries, O Dia-a-Dia do Porno

Description9to5 – Days in Porn focuses on the people behind a controversial and multi-billion dollar industry “The Adult Entertainment industry”. It dpicts their stories, each one different, unadorned and authentic, without glorification or prejudice. It delivers deep insight into their personal lives – from glamorous to grotesque – strange, fascinating, offensive, absurd and sometimes funny moments all at once.

1.92GB | 115:48mins | 853×480 | mkv

9_to_5_days_in_porn 9_to_5_days_in_porn_2008

9 to 5 Days in Porn (2008)


exhibition amateur
exhibition amateur
exhibition amateur
exhibition amateur
exhibition amateur
exhibition amateur