Directed by: Cybil Richards

Stars: Holly Sampson, Shannan Leigh, Eddie Jay

Language: English

Country: Usa | Imdb Info | Tvrip

DescriptionAngela is a mysterious blonde with a special mission: to bring together separated lovers. Join her as she helps a shy woman open up to her attractive boss, a man express his love to his brother’s fiancee, and a movie editor in love with a young starlet.

1.45GB | 92:04mins | 640×480 | avi



1.45GB | 92:04mins | 640×480 | avi

exhibition amateur

Directed by: Stelvio Massi

Stars: Kira Reed Lorsch, Leslie Zemeckis, Jacqueline Lovell, Shauna O’Brien


Country: Usa | Imdb Info | Dvdrip

Description The mysterious Jane Janzen hires private detective Barry Haven to find her younger runaway sister Jessica who has been missing for the last three months. He travels to a remote small town called Lost Lake where he meets the free-spirited Trix and together they start to investigate the whereabouts of Jessica. As the investigation progresses Barry becomes involved with an occult sect of strange women called the Daughters of Darkness led by the beautiful, seductive Connie. Each night Barry is drugged and forced to undergo sexual rituals with different members of the sect in preparation for the solstice when Damien will arise again to spread his seed among the Daughters of Darkness, an event that occurs only once every 33 years. However, all is not it seems and little does Barry realize that he is in fact the bait and the real reason that the women have lured him to this town will be revealed on the night of the solstice

1.37GB | 90:49mins | 720×480 | avi

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exhibition amateur

Directed by: J.W. McHausen

Stars: Marcus London, Katrina Isis, Dino Bravo

Language: English

Country: Usa | Imdb Info | Dvdrip

DescriptionAndy and his new girlfriend Sasha go to Matt and Kim’s house for Matt’s birthday. When the guys begin to reminisce about all the one night stands they had in college, Sasha states that one night stand sex is the hottest on the “sexual heat” scale. Grace arrives and joins the conversation about which types of relationships have the best sex, with everyone sharing erotic tales about people they know to illustrate their points. As the debate heats up, it slowly becomes apparent that Grace and Andy used to date, which leads to lots of cattiness between Sasha and Grace, forcing Andy to make a decision.

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1.20GB | 90:49mins | 720×536 | avi

exhibition amateur

Directed by: Paul S. Parco

Stars: Stephanie Beaton, Robert A. Knowlton, Carl Irwin

Language: English

Country: Usa | Imdb Info | Dvdrip

Also known as: Passion Network

Description A young couple invited to a strange house where everyone seems to be a bit too horny and sex-a-plenty is going on in every room. As the visits pile up and the months go by, they’re invited to talk to the owner. He explains to them a complicated setup–they’ve been invited to be part of a secret network of “super-lovers” from around the world who provide “sexual entertainment” for high-paying customers, via participation or on a extremely secure television network. The video is captured via secret cameras placed throughout the house. “Not even the Pentagon uses the kind of encryption we use,” For their services, they’ll be paid $500,000 a year for the next five years. Of course, Matt thinks this is the greatest deal in the world, but whether is it their way to enrichment or to death?

1.33GB | 81:57mins | 720×540 | avi

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1.33GB | 81:57mins | 720×540 | avi

exhibition amateur

Directed by: Michael Goi

Stars: Lorissa McComas, Shauna O’Brien, Jack Maxwell

Language: English

Country: Usa | Imdb Info | Dvdrip

DescriptionAndy works in the night-shift making copies of videotape. His best friend Lou got the job for him, and asks Andy to make nine copies of a porn video. Andy becomes obsessed by the star, affecting his personal life with his girlfriend Kris Foster. When Andy incidentally meets the woman, she tells that she is Gina Porter, the daughter of a senator, and she had been drugged and videotaped and later blackmailed by the powerful Melrose. Andy gets involved with the situation, and when he meets Melrose, he listens to a different version of the story, becoming confused.

1.44GB | 86:34mins | 720×544 | avi

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exhibition amateur

Directed by: Francis Locke

Stars: Amber Michaels, Crissy Moran, Ander Page

Language: English

Country: Usa | Imdb Info | Dvdrip

DescriptionWhen naive Elainia witnesses her friend Karly in action as a nude model, Karly’s life intrigues her so much that she decides to try posing herself. Her new life gets even hotter when she meets a photographer who wants both Karly and Elainia–and not just in front of the camera. Three isn’t a crowd when this trio is involved.

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exhibition amateur

Directed by: Lawrence Lanoff

Stars: Jason Schnuit, Monique Parent, Ahmo Hight, Nancy O’Brien

Language: English

Country: Usa | Imdb Info | Dvdrip

Also known as: Inside Club Wild Side

Description A guy looking for a place to stay gets a lot more than he bargained for when he finds himself living with a sexy stripper in this drama. After his girlfriend gives him his walking papers, Joe (Jason Schnuit), a naive young man from the Midwest, moves to Los Angeles with plans of attending film school. Life in the big city proves to be a bit more than Joe can handle, and he’s soon penniless, with no place to stay. Tina (Brande Roderick), a woman trying to make it as an actress, meets Joe and decides that the poor guy needs a break, so she lets him stay at her apartment. Joe soon discovers that Tina pays the bills with a job as an exotic dancer at a steamy night spot called Club Wild Side. Before long, Joe gets to be close — make that very close — friends with Tina, as well as a number of her fellow strippers.

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695MB | 99:08mins | 720×480 | avi

exhibition amateur

Directed by: Cybil Richards

Stars: Elizabeth Kaitan, Taylor St. Clair, Jacqueline Lovell, Lori Morrissey

Language: English

Country: Usa | Imdb Info | Dvdrip

DescriptionHappy birthday, Amy. Amys boyfriend Michael gave her the deluxe, super-duper virtual encounter. This is his way of removing her inhibitions and allowing her to fulfill the desires hidden deep inside. He finds he has a real tiger by the tail.

1.37GB | 86:20mins | 720×544 | avi

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1.37GB | 86:20mins | 720×544 | avi

exhibition amateur

Directed by: Cybil Richards

Stars: Ethan Hunt, John Roberts, Brandy Davis

Language: English

Country: Usa | Imdb Info | Dvdrip

DescriptionA nerdish computer-type stumbles upon a virtual computer program that puts the viewer right into the experience. His roommate convinces him to use it as a sex-type program and sell folks various sexual “experiences.” Meanwhile, the nerd aspires to date a girl he’s too shy to approach, and hopes the virtual encounter program will help him out.

690MB | 83:22mins | 720×544 | avi

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690MB | 83:22mins | 720×544 | avi

exhibition amateur